RS Transmitter for Windows
Installation Guide
RS Transmitter is an additional utility for RS Dash (classic) that is required for some of the Windows PC based sim racing games in order to transmit telemetry.​
RS Transmitter is compatible with
Windows 11
Windows 10 Version 1609+
Windows 8.1
Windows 7 SP1
Get RS Transmitter for Windows by clicking on the "Download" button below.
Manual Installation Steps
Once you have downloaded the RS Transmitter manual installer, complete the following steps
Run the installer (eg RSTransmitterSetup1-0.exe)
If you are prompted by Windows Smart Screen, verify the publisher is listed as Pocket Playground and then accept the application to continue installing.
Follow the installation wizard and start RS Transmitter once the installation has completed.
If you are prompted with a Windows Firewall warning, make sure that "Private networks, such as my home or work network" is ticked and then click [Allow Access]. It is very important that you perform this step, if you do not unblock the application it may not be able to receive the telemetry data on the network. Steps will be different if you are using a 3rd party firewall.
Important Note: RS Transmitter v2.2+ uses a newer version of the Microsoft VC runtimes compared to previous versions. Most users should not have any issues running the latest version, however if you are unable to run the latest RS Transmitter app due to missing msvcr dll file errors, you will just need to install the correct runtimes first. To install these, simply goto and click the [Download] button. Install both the x64 and x86 version if you are running 64 bit windows, or just the x86 version for 32 bit windows.