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RaceRoom Racing Experience

Setup Guide

RaceRoom Racing Experience


Supported versions of RaceRoom Racing Experience

Windows PC version only


Supported Telemetry Apps


RS Dash


Jump to instructions for RS Dash ASR


Jump to instructions for RS Dash


Jump to troubleshooting



​These instructions for specifically for the "RS Dash ASR" app. There are instructions for the regular "RS Dash" app further below"


(Required) Install the Windows version of RS Dash ASR on the Windows PC that RaceRoom Racing Experience is installed on.

(Optional) Install RS Dash ASR on any additional iOS, Android or Windows devices you want to display telemetry on.


In the RS Dash ASR app

(On each device you are running RS Dash ASR on)

  • Select [Launch] button from the navigation bar along the bottom of the screen.

  • Select [RaceRoom Racing Experience] as the Sim Racing Game

  • Select a Dashboard Layout you want to display

  • Select a Recording Option, or disable recording. Note: Recording should only ever be enabled on a single device at a time, ideally on the PC the game runs on for best results.

  • Click the [LAUNCH] button

  • (iOS / Android) - These devices will now indicate they are waiting for telemetry data. The IP address of these devices will be displayed as shown below. You will need this information when setting up the telemetry relay on the PC side.

RS Dash ASR Setup
  • (Windows PC) - On the Windows PC version of RS Dash ASR you will be given the option to relay telemetry data to additional devices.
    If you will not be running RS Dash ASR dashboards on any other devices, click the [Skip / Do Not Relay Telemetry] button. 
    If you will be running RS Dash ASR on other mobile devices then add the IP addresses of each mobile device to the list and then click the [Relay Telemetry To My Listed Devices] button.
    Note: the IP Addresses you need to enter will be shown in RS Dash ASR on those devices after launching your selected dashboard.

RS Dash ASR Setup

Once RaceRoom Racing Experience is running and a session has been launched then the app will start receiving telemetry.

RS Dash

​(Required) Install the RS Transmitter app on the Windows PC that RaceRoom Racing Experience is installed on.

(Required) Install RS Dash on any Windows, iOS and/or Android device(s) that you want to display telemetry on.


In the RS Dash app

(for each device you are running RS Dash on)

  • Select the [R3E] game tile

  • The current IP address the RS Dash device will then be shown, along with a message indicating it is "Waiting for RS Transmitter Signal..."

RS Dash
RS Dash
In the RS Transmitter app
  • Start the RS Transmitter app on the PC that RaceRoom Racing Experience runs on.

  • Select the R3E tile

RS Transmitter
  • Enter the IP Address of the device RS Dash is running on as shown in RS Dash just above the "Waiting for RS Transmitter Signal" message. If you have multiple devices, just enter the IP Address of one of them.

  • The "Use Broadcast Mode" flag should be OFF if you only have a single device running RS Dash, or ON if you have multiple devices running RS Dash.

  • The Update Speed should be 16ms. If you experience lag in the dashboards, try increasing this to 32 or 50ms.

  • Click the [Start Transmitter] button.

RS Transmitter
RS Transmitter

​In the RS Dash app, the "Waiting for RS Transmitter Signal..." message should now have changed to either "Waiting for game to start.." (if RaceRoom Racing Experience is not yet running) or the dashboard display should be shown if RaceRoom Racing Experience is running.



  • (Applies to RS Dash ASR only) You must be running the game on the same Windows PC that you are running the RS Dash ASR application on. 


  • (Applies to RS Dash Classic only) You must be running the game on the same Windows PC that you are running the RS Transmitter application on. 


  • (Applies to RS Dash Classic only) IMPORTANT: A number of Android devices have experienced issues with the telemetry data stopping during use, or starting and stopping intermittently. If you are experiencing this problem, please turn OFF the "Use Broadcast Mode" flag in the RS Transmitter. You must then make sure that the IP address you have entered in the IP Address field in the RS Transmitter matches the IP address shown when you first start the RS Dash app. 


  • (Applies to RS Dash Classic only) Verify that your device is connected to the same Wifi network as your PC and that you have specified the correct IP Address for your device in the IP Address field in the RS Transmitter application.



More Troubleshooting Tips

RS Transmitter Troubleshooting Tips

Networking/Connectivity Troubleshooting Tips

General Troubleshooting Tips


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