Account FAQ
RS Cloud
Account Information
RS Dash
Tune It Yourself
Frequently Asked Licensing Questions
What is RS Cloud (
RS Cloud is Pocket Playground's online service provider for managing accounts and data related to Pocket Playground apps (ie RS Dash, Tune It Yourself)
What are the benefits of RS Cloud?
RS Cloud is a required service for the RS Dash ASR app. A user account is required to sign into the RS Dash ASR app. The app synchronizes your app licenses, custom dashboards and recorded telemetry / advanced analysis session data with RS Cloud. The RS Cloud portal allows users to view session history information and advanced analysis dashboards for all synchronized data.
RS Dash Classic
RS Cloud is an optional service for the RS Dash classic app on iOS/Android devices, but it is a required service for Windows devices. The app synchronizes your app licenses, and recorded telemetry session data with RS Cloud. The RS Cloud portal allows users to view session history information for all synchronized data.
Tune It Yourself
RS Cloud is an optional service for the Tune It Yourself app. Users of this app can opt to sign into RS Cloud from the [More Options] -> RS Cloud -> [Connect] screen. Once connected, the users saved vehicle tunes are backed up in RS Cloud. The RS Cloud portal allows users to view saved tunes outside of the app for all synchronized data.
How do I create an RS Cloud account?
You can create an RS Cloud account from the RS Dash ASR app's login page.
You can create an RS Cloud account from the RS Dash classic app's login page.
You can create an RS Cloud account from the Tune It Yourself -> [More Options] -> RS Cloud -> [Goto RS Cloud Online Portal] page.
You can goto in your browser and [Register] a new account.
How do I delete my RS Cloud account?
You can delete your account from the RS Dash ASR app's [Account] tab by clicking the [Delete Account] button.
You can goto in your browser, login, click the [Account] button, click the [Personal Data] button then click the Delete link.
You can email us at to request account deletion.
Deleting your RS Cloud Account is permanent, the user data cannot be recovered from a deleted account.
All user data collected by connected apps such as RS Dash ASR, RS Dash classic and/or Tune It Yourself will be deleted with the account. This includes all saved session history, custom dashboards, saved tunes etc.
Have a question or need further help?
Please contact us