Setup Guide

Supported versions of AutoMobilista
Windows PC version only
Supported Telemetry Apps
RS Dash
Jump to instructions for RS Dash
RS Dash
(Required) Install the RS Transmitter app on the Windows PC that AutoMobilista is installed on.
(Required) Install RS Dash on any Windows, iOS and/or Android device(s) that you want to display telemetry on.
In the RS Dash app
​(repeat for each device runing RS Dash)
Select the [AMS] game tile
The current IP address the RS Dash device will then be shown, along with a message indicating it is "Waiting for AutoMobilista session to start...""

In the RS Transmitter app
Start the RS Transmitter app on the PC that AutoMobilista runs on.
Select the AMS tile

Enter the IP Address of the device RS Dash is running on as shown in RS Dash just above the "Waiting for AutoMobilista session to start..." message. If you have multiple devices, just enter the IP Address of one of them.
The "Use Broadcast Mode" flag should be OFF if you only have a single device running RS Dash, or ON if you have multiple devices running RS Dash.
The Update Speed should be 16ms. If you experience lag in the dashboards, try increasing this to 32 or 50ms.
Select the folder that your AutoMobilista game is installed under (ie the location of your AMS.exe file). The RS Transmitter app will attempt to automatically detect this, but if it fails then you will need to set this manually.
Click the [Update Interface] button. Note: You only need to "Update Interface" when you first install the RS Transmitter application, change the IP Address, broadcast flag, AutoMobilista installation folder or install an updated version of RS Transmitter.

In the RS Dash app, the "Waiting for AutoMobilista session to start..." message will disappear and the dashboard will be displayed once you are playing AutoMobilista and have started a session.
You must be running AutoMobilista on the same Windows PC that you are running the RS Transmitter application on.
IMPORTANT: A number of Android devices have experienced issues with the telemetry data stopping during use, or starting and stopping intermittently. If you are experiencing this problem, please turn OFF the "Use Broadcast Mode" flag in the RS Transmitter. You must then make sure that the IP address you have entered in the IP Address field in the RS Transmitter matches the IP address shown when you first start the RS Dash app.
Verify that your device is connected to the same Wifi network as your PC and that you have specified the correct IP Address for your device in the IP Address field in the RS Transmitter application.
More Troubleshooting Options
RS Transmitter Troubleshooting Tips
Networking/Connectivity Troubleshooting Tips