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Licensing FAQ

Licensing information and troubleshooting.

Frequently Asked Licensing Questions
How to Restore License Purchases (iOS / Android)


​If you have changed device or reinstalled RS Dash ASR, you may need to restore your subscription from the app store (although this normally won't be necessary). This is done by clicking Account -> Explore License Options -> Restore Purchases.

You must be signed in with the same app store account that you previously used to make the subscription purchase.


RS Dash

​If you have changed device or reinstalled the RS Dash application, you will need to "Restore Purchases" before you can continue using the interfaces that you previously purchased. Start RS Dash and on the interface selection screen, click the cog icon in the bottom left corner and choose the [Restore Purchases] option. You must be signed in with the same app store account that you previously used to make the purchases.


  • If you are having trouble restoring purchases, please do/check the following things

    1. Restart your device​.

    2. Verify that your device is connected to the internet and can browse web sites.

    3. Verify that your device is setup to use the same app store account that you previously used to purchase the interfaces in the first place.

    4. Check the restrictions on your device to make sure in-app purchases are allowed.

    5. Check your purchase history in iTunes or Google Play for the account that you are currently logged into on the device to make sure you can see the original interface purchase listed.


General Licensing Queries

Using your license(s) with multiple devices..

​A common question we get here relates to the interface licenses for RS Dash classic. Users often purchase a license for one device and want to use that license across multiple devices. 


To use your interface license(s) across multiple devices, you must be logged into the app on all of your RS Dash classic devices.


(RS Dash classic) If you purchased your licenses without to being logged into the app, you will need to perform additional steps to synchronise your licenses. Simply log into the app and then click the cog icon in the bottom left corner of the main menu and choose the [Restore Purchases] option. This will synchronise your licenses with your RS Dash online account.


Re-installing the app..

  • Ensure you have logged into the app again after reinstalling.

  • (RS Dash ASR) - I have reinstalled the app and signed in but it is not seeing my existing license. Try clicking Account -> Explore License Options -> Restore Purchases.

  • (RS Dash classic) - I have reinstalled the app and now it is asking me to purchase the license again! Please click the cog in the bottom left corner of the main menu and choose [Restore Purchases]. You must be signed into the same app store account that was used for the original purchase.


​Windows licensing..

  • As of the 1st of June 2023, licenses can only be purchased using a mobile device (ie using an iOS or Android phone / tablet). To get a license for the Windows version of RS Dash, use the mobile app to purchase your license. Note: you must be signed into the mobile version of the app with the same RS Dash account you are using for the Windows version. Once you have completed the purchase on the mobile app, simply restart the Windows app and your license will be available.


How do I request a refund for a license purchase?


Have a question or need further help?
Restore Purchases
Request Refund
Have a question
General Licensing Quesions
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